Hati Ku Menangis...
Melihat dia...sudah stabil..
Alhamdulillah syukur ku kepada Mu Ya Allah
Tapi hati ku menangis bila..
Melihat dia... sudah mula lupa...
Melihat dia... makin tak berupaya...
Inilah dugaan Mu Ya Allah kepada dia dan kepada Kami...
Kami redha Ya Allah..
Berikan kami kekuatan..
dan kesabaran untuk menempuhinya Ya Allah
Ya Allah..jadikan kami ini..anak-anak yang soleh..yang diredhai oleh Mu
Note: Dia..adalah ayahanda kesayangan ku...
EVERYBODY DOESN'T HAVE TO LOVE ME. Not everybody has to love me or even like me. I don't necessarily like everybody I know, so why shud everybody else like me? I enjoy being liked and being loved, but if somebody doesn't like me, I will still be okay and still feel like I'm an okay person. I cannot make somebody like me, any more than someone can get me to like them. I don't need approval all the time. If someone does not approve of me, i will still be okay
Friday, November 28, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
My ayah in CCU since last thursday. Doakan my ayah sembuh.
Will stop blogging until further notice. Emosi x stabil..
Will stop blogging until further notice. Emosi x stabil..
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Cerita Hari Isnin
Risau condition Ayah...
Mak cakap..dah dua hari ayah dok meracau memalam..cakap bukan-bukan. Ayah pun sekarang tak banyak cakap. Jari ke empat kaki kanan ayah macam dah worse lak. Semalam aku dan Dikya hantar ayah buat dressing kat PKK Presint 9. MA kat sana komen kenapa tak cuci hari2. Manalah we all tau sebab hospital bagi instruction 2 hari sekali kena cuci.. Angin aje aku..
Hmm tengah memikirkan bila lah waktu yang sesuai nak khatan kan M.Arash. Ada ke patut dia minta full bius ..hu hu hu..tak mampu ummi nak ooi... tengah fikir nak buat kat Putrajaya or SKY2. Kalau buat kat sini..kesian kat mak nanti kena jaga 3 orang sakit..Ayah..Aku..n M.Arash nanti... Kalau kat SKY2, kena tunggu ayah ngan mak balik baru boleh buat..iyelah..itu cucu lelaki pertama derang.. Ayah derang pun nak kena inform gak..kena lah participate..akan nak harap ummi dia aje kan..
Semalam..appointment ngan DR S yang ensem. Both knees dah kena jab dengan gel. hu hu hu
Dr S boleh tanya lak sakit tak procedure tu.. ha haha..Moi cakap sakit sikit aje..masa first dia inject..after that Moi steady dah..he hehe. Adei..ada 4 jabs lagi menanti..hu hu hu..next week ada appointment ngan DR S lagi. Dikya rakam the procedure.. biler tengok balik .. aku cakap kat Dikya..oo putih jugak kaki Kak Yu eek..Ampeh dia boleh cakap tengok camera ler yang mencantikkan yang hodoh...hu hu hu Dikya tu alasan aje dia nak rakam procedure tu..sebenarnya dia nak rakam DR S yang ensem tu..ha ha ha
Finish at Gleneagles..we all gerak2 ke UKay..ada appointment ngan MR A. Hujan boleh tahan lebat gak.. sempat lah kita orang mengopi. Dah lama tak jumpa MR A. dan dah dekat sebulan barang yang hendak diberi ada kat aku...borak2 update apa2 yang patut dan sebelum Asar we all gerak balik ke Putrajaya. Tak nak terjebak dalam jam..hu hu hu
Petang Ayah budak2 nie call nak jumpa sebelum dia outstation. Make arrangement to meet at Alamanda.. since aku tak boleh drive..minta jasa baik adik2 aku tolong bawakan...n kita orang dok lepak kat Starbuck sementara menunggu kids and their father.
Happy tengok my kids happy.
Mak cakap..dah dua hari ayah dok meracau memalam..cakap bukan-bukan. Ayah pun sekarang tak banyak cakap. Jari ke empat kaki kanan ayah macam dah worse lak. Semalam aku dan Dikya hantar ayah buat dressing kat PKK Presint 9. MA kat sana komen kenapa tak cuci hari2. Manalah we all tau sebab hospital bagi instruction 2 hari sekali kena cuci.. Angin aje aku..
Hmm tengah memikirkan bila lah waktu yang sesuai nak khatan kan M.Arash. Ada ke patut dia minta full bius ..hu hu hu..tak mampu ummi nak ooi... tengah fikir nak buat kat Putrajaya or SKY2. Kalau buat kat sini..kesian kat mak nanti kena jaga 3 orang sakit..Ayah..Aku..n M.Arash nanti... Kalau kat SKY2, kena tunggu ayah ngan mak balik baru boleh buat..iyelah..itu cucu lelaki pertama derang.. Ayah derang pun nak kena inform gak..kena lah participate..akan nak harap ummi dia aje kan..
Semalam..appointment ngan DR S yang ensem. Both knees dah kena jab dengan gel. hu hu hu
Dr S boleh tanya lak sakit tak procedure tu.. ha haha..Moi cakap sakit sikit aje..masa first dia inject..after that Moi steady dah..he hehe. Adei..ada 4 jabs lagi menanti..hu hu hu..next week ada appointment ngan DR S lagi. Dikya rakam the procedure.. biler tengok balik .. aku cakap kat Dikya..oo putih jugak kaki Kak Yu eek..Ampeh dia boleh cakap tengok camera ler yang mencantikkan yang hodoh...hu hu hu Dikya tu alasan aje dia nak rakam procedure tu..sebenarnya dia nak rakam DR S yang ensem tu..ha ha ha
Finish at Gleneagles..we all gerak2 ke UKay..ada appointment ngan MR A. Hujan boleh tahan lebat gak.. sempat lah kita orang mengopi. Dah lama tak jumpa MR A. dan dah dekat sebulan barang yang hendak diberi ada kat aku...borak2 update apa2 yang patut dan sebelum Asar we all gerak balik ke Putrajaya. Tak nak terjebak dalam jam..hu hu hu
Petang Ayah budak2 nie call nak jumpa sebelum dia outstation. Make arrangement to meet at Alamanda.. since aku tak boleh drive..minta jasa baik adik2 aku tolong bawakan...n kita orang dok lepak kat Starbuck sementara menunggu kids and their father.
Happy tengok my kids happy.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
My Boyfriend
My boyfriend - Muhammad Firdaus..graduation day..
Just now before doozing..he said he want to accompany me..to send email..he he he so cute..peeking to what i 'm writing.. geeze..susah mau simpan rahsia lah..he already can read what i wrote..hu hu hu
Last Wednesday nite..at SKY2..tuck him for his bed..he shoot me a question..
Ummi..boleh tak Ummi tinggal sini selama-lamanya..? Terkedu aku...
hu hu hu terpaksa lah Ummi dia menjawab sepatut-patutnya...
If he know how i miss him....
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Being Julia @ 02:21am
Terkebil2 aku..tak boleh tidur.. i have new habit..sleep late...hopefully this will disappear when i start to work again..
Blog hopping one by one.. hmm what to do next..adei...
My ayah already discharge last Saturday. Alhamdulillah..but he have to continue to do the dressing for his toes. Kesian ayah..dia dah tak sabar nak balik..
Jehan pernah comment aku will write when I'm in blues..hehehe..entah ler..betul agaknye.. emo sedikit weng.. tapi tak tau pasal ape..
Aku dok terkebil2.. memikirkan hala tuju hidup aku nie.. apa tindakan aku... apa nak jadi dengan aku nie..umur dah 36 tahun.. still kat takuk yang lama juga...
Tiba-tiba..Prince memberi message ym kat aku... dah lama dia tak contact aku. Kalau contact pun mesti nak menyalahkan aku..kenapa aku memutuskan hubungan..entahlah..kenapa orang tak dapat menerima hakikat..bahawa aku ingin berubah...tambah blues aku..hu hu hu..my heart bleeding back...sight...
Blog hopping one by one.. hmm what to do next..adei...
My ayah already discharge last Saturday. Alhamdulillah..but he have to continue to do the dressing for his toes. Kesian ayah..dia dah tak sabar nak balik..
Jehan pernah comment aku will write when I'm in blues..hehehe..entah ler..betul agaknye.. emo sedikit weng.. tapi tak tau pasal ape..
Aku dok terkebil2.. memikirkan hala tuju hidup aku nie.. apa tindakan aku... apa nak jadi dengan aku nie..umur dah 36 tahun.. still kat takuk yang lama juga...
Tiba-tiba..Prince memberi message ym kat aku... dah lama dia tak contact aku. Kalau contact pun mesti nak menyalahkan aku..kenapa aku memutuskan hubungan..entahlah..kenapa orang tak dapat menerima hakikat..bahawa aku ingin berubah...tambah blues aku..hu hu hu..my heart bleeding back...sight...
Friday, November 7, 2008
Being Julia as of 7th November 2008
Peace..kacang peas @ Dome..lunch
straight your buttock..
Have to cold my knees to reduce the swollen
3rd November 2008
After my huff n puff physio...from 11.30am to 1pm.. n after have my lunch (he he he ..penat oo buat physio... and hear my physiologist..jerit..."lulus..lulus" your legs...straight your buttock..ha ha ha)... my date with DR S is next..at 2pm..This is the day..the thruth...
Dr S happily to see me..Tambah2 when he see me walk with my crutches...good girl.. Dikya follow me to the room.. Dr S examined mine knees.. he asked me this and that...and me as a good girl..answered it promptly he hehe...
DR S: Ok Julia.. we can remove the stitches..
Moi: EE..Sakit tak...??
DR S: OK..we try remove one first than you can comment..
Moi: Ogey...( breath..breath..huff..huff) ready doc..
DR S: ..actually i already remove that hahahha..tak sakit kan..
Moi: (Ampeh nyer Doc... ) Dak..ngilu aje..
After removed 6 stitches....
Dr S: I need to spray this..tahan ye..pedih nie..
Moi: OK...
Moi: Hmm Doc.. tak sakit pun ha ha ha..ok aje..cold aje when u spray at my knee..
Dr S: Wah...u memang good girl eek.. Ok..let go to my room…we watch video together…
Moi: Ogey doc..
yippie..my stitches gone..also my plasters gone.. can have proper shower..cool..
His Room
1 Doc and 2 sisters.
Dr S: Ok. Let watch the video on your operation.
Moi and Dikya excited giler nak tengok..
Dr S click here and there…
wallla…keluar the image inside my knee…
I can see liquid flowing…white image…my bone..my patella.. we ooh..and aaahh.. seeing image..Dr S explained what he done to me during the operation. We shoot him questions..and he gladly explained to us.
Dr S: Julia.. you kena terima hakikat..your rawan..dah rosak..you can see in the video.
Moi: What shall I do Doc… cacat ler I eek..
Dr S: I will give you gel jab for you..each knee..3 jab..one jab for one week.. This will last for 6 months or more..then you have to do same process again… until..your patella losak oo.. then you have to replace with artificial one. Bear in your mind..chances you to face it early is very high…
Moi: Huhuhu.. what to do..redha aje lah doc. I nak use lagi that knees…
Dr S: You free ke on 17th… we date together again…
Moi: oh..for you..free aje..ha haha
Dr S: Ok..see you on 17th
Out from Dr S office…
Dikya: Kak yu… Dr S to ensem.. and very kind
Moi: Tau tak pe.. ha ha ha
Ampeh nyer kakak..
So.. count the day lah to do the next process.. For the time being..moi..kena buat physio..physio..physio.. and bersyukur..Dikya is around to be my driver.
Psst..psst… tapi gue tak kurus2 juga lah… my mak around..tak boleh nak tolak what she cooked for us. Nanti kecik ati…hehehe..boleh tak bagi alasan tu…
Quite boring have to spend my one month medical leave..Since two weeks plus.. I stay at Jiah’s house.. at living area..Bored giler ok. Knowing me..yang aktif, jalan sana sini… Pastu..gue tepuk kepala..ini baru Allah nak duga sikit..dah mengeluh.. Redha Cik Julia ooi.. redha and bersyukur. Ok.. I seal my mouth.
6th November 2008
After finish my physio.. and having lunch at McD near Mint Hotel, we going back to my Teratak Buruk at BM. Rindu sungguh gue dengan rumah gue nie.. Alhamdulillah nothing much change except.. bunga rumput yang secara sukarela tumbuh dengan subur nya kat porch rumah aku tu.. Nak cabut..dalam keadaan aku sekarang ni susah ler. Sempat ler gue n dikya melelap kan mata sekejap.
Bila terjaga.. check my hp..uwarghhh..got message from Jehan..wondering about me.. Thanks babe.. now gue dah update blog..he he he.
Balik Putrajaya back. As usual..merapu2 dengan Dikya.. While passed by PM’s house..I shoot question to her..
Moi: Dikya..do you think Women no 2 when become no 1, she will renovate the house?
Dikya: What do you think..of couse lah..
Moi: Mesti rumah dia cam 'Sarkis' eek..ha ha hah
Dikya: Sekarang nie pun umah dia kat Precint 16 tu pun dah macam 'sarkis' mengabiskan duit rakyat aje pasang lampu banyak2.
Hmm I already can predict what happen on 2010. mUahahhahhah
My Ayah still hospitalized at Putrajaya Hospital. Already 3 weeks his there. Kesian ayah. Doakan yang terbaik for him. Gula asyik ding dong naik turun..banyak nyer naik ler.
When I manage to catch his doc during the rounding:
Moi: Doc, when ayah I can discharge?
Dr H: once his luka dah kering smooth cantik giler..baru boleh. Kita sekarang dok monitor his gula..asyik naik aje.
Moi: Doc, boleh tak ayah I nie keluar and we all monitor his sugar kat rumah
DR H looked at me and make face…memang clearly…post there “ HA HA HA” and Disbelief face. Gue sengih aje..tau..memang tak boleh nyer kita orang monitor kat rumah. Satu lagi..takut luka ayah tak baik2..sebab ayah kerap p bilik air nanti tempat luka tu kerap basah. Hu huhu.. tak mo tanggung risiko..my ayah will lost another toe..
Now..at 1.38am.. I still terkebil2 mengadap my lappie..hu hu hu..ooit tak mengantuk lagi ker…
NOTE: All the dialogue tu..suka2 hati saya tulis ikut kepala saya yang mengong.
Moi: Ogey doc..
yippie..my stitches gone..also my plasters gone.. can have proper shower..cool..
His Room
1 Doc and 2 sisters.
Dr S: Ok. Let watch the video on your operation.
Moi and Dikya excited giler nak tengok..
Dr S click here and there…
wallla…keluar the image inside my knee…
I can see liquid flowing…white image…my bone..my patella.. we ooh..and aaahh.. seeing image..Dr S explained what he done to me during the operation. We shoot him questions..and he gladly explained to us.
Dr S: Julia.. you kena terima hakikat..your rawan..dah rosak..you can see in the video.
Moi: What shall I do Doc… cacat ler I eek..
Dr S: I will give you gel jab for you..each knee..3 jab..one jab for one week.. This will last for 6 months or more..then you have to do same process again… until..your patella losak oo.. then you have to replace with artificial one. Bear in your mind..chances you to face it early is very high…
Moi: Huhuhu.. what to do..redha aje lah doc. I nak use lagi that knees…
Dr S: You free ke on 17th… we date together again…
Moi: oh..for you..free aje..ha haha
Dr S: Ok..see you on 17th
Out from Dr S office…
Dikya: Kak yu… Dr S to ensem.. and very kind
Moi: Tau tak pe.. ha ha ha
Ampeh nyer kakak..
So.. count the day lah to do the next process.. For the time being..moi..kena buat physio..physio..physio.. and bersyukur..Dikya is around to be my driver.
Psst..psst… tapi gue tak kurus2 juga lah… my mak around..tak boleh nak tolak what she cooked for us. Nanti kecik ati…hehehe..boleh tak bagi alasan tu…
Quite boring have to spend my one month medical leave..Since two weeks plus.. I stay at Jiah’s house.. at living area..Bored giler ok. Knowing me..yang aktif, jalan sana sini… Pastu..gue tepuk kepala..ini baru Allah nak duga sikit..dah mengeluh.. Redha Cik Julia ooi.. redha and bersyukur. Ok.. I seal my mouth.
6th November 2008
After finish my physio.. and having lunch at McD near Mint Hotel, we going back to my Teratak Buruk at BM. Rindu sungguh gue dengan rumah gue nie.. Alhamdulillah nothing much change except.. bunga rumput yang secara sukarela tumbuh dengan subur nya kat porch rumah aku tu.. Nak cabut..dalam keadaan aku sekarang ni susah ler. Sempat ler gue n dikya melelap kan mata sekejap.
Bila terjaga.. check my hp..uwarghhh..got message from Jehan..wondering about me.. Thanks babe.. now gue dah update blog..he he he.
Balik Putrajaya back. As usual..merapu2 dengan Dikya.. While passed by PM’s house..I shoot question to her..
Moi: Dikya..do you think Women no 2 when become no 1, she will renovate the house?
Dikya: What do you think..of couse lah..
Moi: Mesti rumah dia cam 'Sarkis' eek..ha ha hah
Dikya: Sekarang nie pun umah dia kat Precint 16 tu pun dah macam 'sarkis' mengabiskan duit rakyat aje pasang lampu banyak2.
Hmm I already can predict what happen on 2010. mUahahhahhah
My Ayah still hospitalized at Putrajaya Hospital. Already 3 weeks his there. Kesian ayah. Doakan yang terbaik for him. Gula asyik ding dong naik turun..banyak nyer naik ler.
When I manage to catch his doc during the rounding:
Moi: Doc, when ayah I can discharge?
Dr H: once his luka dah kering smooth cantik giler..baru boleh. Kita sekarang dok monitor his gula..asyik naik aje.
Moi: Doc, boleh tak ayah I nie keluar and we all monitor his sugar kat rumah
DR H looked at me and make face…memang clearly…post there “ HA HA HA” and Disbelief face. Gue sengih aje..tau..memang tak boleh nyer kita orang monitor kat rumah. Satu lagi..takut luka ayah tak baik2..sebab ayah kerap p bilik air nanti tempat luka tu kerap basah. Hu huhu.. tak mo tanggung risiko..my ayah will lost another toe..
Now..at 1.38am.. I still terkebil2 mengadap my lappie..hu hu hu..ooit tak mengantuk lagi ker…
NOTE: All the dialogue tu..suka2 hati saya tulis ikut kepala saya yang mengong.
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